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Abstract (2. Language): 
Commensal Candida spp can cause infection in immunocompromised patients. Though most of the infections are caused by albicans subtype of Candida, non-albicans Candida as a cause of infection is on the rise. Non-albicans Candida infections can range from urinary infections to sepsis in intensive care units. Candida kefyr is one of the rare forms of non-albicans Candida. In this case report, a case of Candida kefyr pneumonia in a patient with myelodsysplastic syndrome with febrile neutropenia is presented. The patient clinically responded to ampirically started caspofungin therapy.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Normal insan floras›nda bulunan Candida türleri, immunsüpresyon geliflmesi halinde infeksiyona neden olabilir. Candida infeksiyonlar› s›kl›kla albikans sufllar›yla gözlenmekle beraber, son zamanlarda albikans d›fl› sufllar ile olan infeksiyonlar›n s›kl›¤› artm›flt›r. Albikans d›fl› sufllar ile oluflan infeksiyonlar, özellikle yo¤un bak›m ünitelerinde yatan hastalarda, üriner sistem infeksiyonundan sepsise kadar de¤iflen klinik bulgular ile karfl›m›za ç›kabilir. Bunlardan biri olan Candida Kefyr nadiren saptanabilen fungal bir patojendir. Bu olgu sunumunda, myelodisplastik sendrom zemininde geliflen ve etyolojisinde Candida Kefyr’in saptand›¤› pnömoni olgusu sunuldu. Ampirik olarak bafllanan kaspofungin tedavisine klinik yan›t al›nd›.



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