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Abstract (2. Language): 
Objective: The influence on maternal attitude of cognitive ability of the child was investigated from a survey of mothers and their preschoolers of high-middle-class. Materials and methods: 90 children whose mean age was 69.2 ± 3.5 months, of whom 56 (62%) were boys and 34 (38%) were girls were included in the study. The adaptive cognitive abilities of the children were evaluated by the rate of correct verbal responses to 12 questions based on age appropriate Stanford-Binet. The symbolic representative abilities of the children were evaluated by Goodenough criteria. The mothering modes of each child was also evaluated by Parental Attitude Research Instrument. Results: Mothers presented democratic attitude in coherence with oppression. In fact, both democratic and oppressive attitudes were more influential with an overt protectiveness. Indeed, mothers of boys were more protective (-0.13 versus -6.06), democratic (0.18 versus -3.03), oppressive (1.79 versus -6.06) but repining more about spouse disharmony (0.25 versus -9.09) compared to those of girls. Maternal protective and democratic attitude, however, showed a negative correlation with cognitive development of boys (r= -0.323, p < 0.05 ), but a positive one with that of girls (r=0.391, p < 0.05). The spouse disharmony, on the other hand, positively correlated with maternal erkekrepulsion to housework (r=0.270, p < 0.05) with a negative correlation with age (r=-0.268, p < 0.05) and/or cognitive development (r=-0.272, p < 0.05) of the child of mothers of home-staying boys. Conclusion: The results were conclusive that an increased maternal protection was operating for those offsprings who are of male gender, weak (with an underscoring cognitive ability), away from maternal protective reach (playschool attendance) and/or is in danger (spouse disharmony). Indeed, maternal protection is believed to deserve to be differentiated with a term as such “maternal anxiety of loss” since it is seemingly operating to detect even subtle signals of threat to well-being of offspring (genetic material carrier of the mother.)
Abstract (Original Language): 
Amaç: Bu çal›flmada, toplumun orta-üst ekonomik statüdeki ailelerinden örneklenen çocuklar›n akademik yeteneklerinin anne tutumuna olan etkisi araflt›r›ld›. Gereç ve yöntem: Yafl ortalamas› 69,2 ± 3,5 ay olan, 34’ü (%38) k›z ve 56’s› (%62) erkek, toplam 90 çocuk ve annelerine ait veriler çal›flmaya al›nd›. Çocuklar›n biliflsel yetenekleri, Stanford-Binet Zeka Testi esas al›narak haz› rlanan sorulara verdikleri sözel yan›tlar de¤erlendirilerek ve çizgisel yetenekleri ise ‘Bana bir adam resmi çiz’ komutu ile yapt›klar› resimlerin, Goodenough kriterleri ile de¤erlendirilmesi sonucunda belirlendi. Ayr›ca, eflleraras› uyum, annenin demokrat, bask›c›, ev kad›nl›¤›n› benimseme ve koruyuculuk gibi eviçi tutumlar›, aile tutum ölçe¤i [Parental Attitude Research Instrument (PARI)] ile belirlendi. Bulgular: Demokrat yaklafl›m içinde olan annenin bir o kadar da bask›c› oldu¤u ve bu iki tutumun anne koruyuculu¤ u ile pozitif korelasyon gösterdi¤i bulundu. Anne; erkeklere k›z çocu¤una oldu¤undan daha koruyucu (-0,13’e karfl›n -6,06), demokrat (0,18’e karfl›n -3,03) ve bask›c› (1,79’a karfl›n -6,06) bir tutum sergiliyordu. Ancak, annenin koruyucu ve demokrat tutumu; erkek çocu¤un baflar›s› ile ters (r= -0,323, p < 0,05), öte yandan k›z›nki ile do¤- ru (r= 0,391, p < 0,05) korelasyon gösterdi. Erkek annesi eflleraras› uyumsuzluktan daha fazla (0,25’e karfl›n -9,09) yak›nd› ve çocu¤un yafl› (r = -0,268, p < 0,05) ve baflar›s› (r =-0,272, p < 0,05) ile ters orant›l› olarak ev kad›nl›¤›- n› reddetti (r= 0,270, p < 0,05). Yani, anne baflar›s›z (zay›f) erkek çocu¤unu daha fazla korumaya yönelirken; baflar› l› k›z (güçlü) çocu¤una daha demokrat davran›yordu. Erkek çocuk annesi eflleraras› uyumsuzluk varl›¤›nda, çocu¤ un yafl ve baflar›s› ile ters orant›l› olarak ev kad›nl›¤›n› reddediyordu. Sonuçlar davran›flbilim kuramlar› ve ba¤- lanma teorisi ile irdelendi. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak; anne koruyuculu¤unun “annenin kaybetme endiflesi” bafll›¤› alt›nda, di¤er davran›fllar›ndan farkl› ve genetik materyali korumaya yönelik filojenik bir davran›fl olarak de¤erlendirilmesinin gerekti¤i üzerinde duruldu.



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