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Abstract (2. Language): 
Non-Hodgkin’s malignant lymphomas (NHML) are characterized by malignant lymphoid proliferation which may be of B or T cell type. Peripheral nerve involvement is rarely seen in the course of NHML when compared to Hodgkin’s disease. In this report, a case with B cell type NHML associated with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy and without paraproteinemia was presented. Various mechanisms of peripheral neuropathies during the course of NHML were discussed
Abstract (Original Language): 
Non-Hodgkin malign lenfomalar (NHML), B ya da T hücreli malign lenfoid proliferasyon ile karakterizedir. NHML seyrinde periferik sinir tutulumu Hodgkin hastal›¤›na göre daha nadirdir. Bu yaz›da, B hücreli non-Hodgkin malign lenfomas› ile kronik inflamatuvar demiyelinizan polinöropatisi olan ve kanda paraproteinemi saptanmayan bir olgu sunulmaktad›r; non-Hodgkin malign lenfoman›n seyri s›ras›ndaki periferik nöropatilerin çeflitli olufl mekanizmalar› tart›fl›lm›flt›r.



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