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Abstract (2. Language): 
TRAP sequence is a syndrome, seen in monochorionic twin pregnancies with poor prognosis and with a 1/100 incidence. It is characterized with a recipient fetus exhibiting lethal anomalies including acardia and a pump fetus supplying blood by vascular communications in the placenta. While pump twin is anatomically normal, in recipient twin who is supplied with hypoxic blood, the development is restricted with the lower part of the body. Mortality of acardiac twin is inevitable. Pump twin has the mortality rate of 50% and death is usually due to heart failure or premature labor caused by polihydramnios. Here, a TRAP sequence case with 21 weeks’ of gestation diagnosed in antenatal period and terminated with the demand of the family is presented. Clinical presentation and therapeutic options were discussed in this case report.
Abstract (Original Language): 
TRAP sekans› monokoryonik ikiz gebeliklerde 1/100 oran›nda görülen kötü prognoza sahip bir fenomendir. TRAP sekans›nda multipl anomalilere sahip, kalbi geliflmemifl “nonviable” bir fetus ile bu fetusu plasentadaki vasküler anastomozlar yoluyla besleyen pompa fetusun varl›¤› söz konusudur. Pompa ikiz anatomik olarak normal iken, hipoksik kan ile beslenen akardiyak ikizde geliflim vücudun alt yar›- s› ile s›n›rl›d›r. Akardiyak ikiz için mortalite %100’dür. Pompa ikizin mortalitesi %50 civar›nda olup ölüm genellikle kalp yetmezli¤ine bazen de polihidramniosun yol açt›¤› prematüriteye ba¤l› olabilir. Burada antenatal dönemde tan›s› koydu¤umuz ve ailenin iste¤i do¤rultusunda sonland›r›lan 21 haftal›k TRAP sekans› olgusu sunulmaktad›r.



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