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Abstract (2. Language): 
Objective: As the current scientific knowledge lacks a certain vaccine or treatment for AIDS, education and a struggle against prejudices are required in any attempt to control AIDS. In this study conducted with the students at Silivri High School in Istanbul, we aimed to define students’ present information and behaviour concerning AIDS, to educate them on AIDS using different educational methods (interactive, conventional), to compare the changes in information, attitude, and behaviour within (before and after education) and among groups [interactive, conventional, non-intervened (not educated)], to evaluate the effectiveness of different educational methods on students’ AIDS-related stigma, and to reflect the results of the study on other healthcare education to be conducted in the region. Materials and methods: This intervention-based descriptive study was conducted in high school students attending Silivri High School located in the central Silivri in 2004. A multiple-item questionnaire assessing students’ (n=120) AIDS-related information and prejudices were applied using the “answering-under-supervision” technique (pre-test). Students were educated by different methods: interactive education group (n=37), conventional education group (n=42) and control group without education (n=41). In order to assess the effectiveness of educational methods (conventional and interactive) on students’AIDS-related information and behaviour, a final test (identical to the pre-test) was applied to all students one month after the completion of the education. Results: The average of the knowledge of AIDS transmission scores was 11.98±2.31 before the education and 13.81±2.19 after the education. Total stigma score of the group was found 3.6±2.6 before the education, and 2.0±2.3 after the education. Average “changing percent” of stigma was calculated as 67.99±23.88 for the interactive education group, 39.12±29.98 for the conventional education group and 13.06±17.35 for the control group (p=0.001). Average changing percent of stigma in the interactive education and conventional education groups was found significantly different, using post hoc LSD test (p=0.013). Conclusion:AIDS education should be applied interactively for both improving the knowledge on AIDS and for preventing prejudices against it. Conventional educational methods can increase the level of AIDS-related knowledge but its effectiveness on stigmas is limited
Abstract (Original Language): 
Amaç: AIDS’in yeterince baflar›l› bir afl›s› ya da tedavisinin olmay›fl› nedeniyle AIDS kontrolünde, öncelikle, önyarg› larla e¤itim yoluyla mücadele gereklidir. Bu çal›flma ile ‹stanbul ili Silivri ilçesi Silivri Lisesi ö¤rencilerinde: AIDS ile ilgili mevcut bilgi ve davran›fl› ö¤renmek, ö¤rencileri, AIDS konusunda farkl› e¤itim yöntemleri (interaktif, klasik) ile bilgilendirmek, grupiçi (e¤itim öncesi ve e¤itim sonras›) ve gruplararas› (interaktif, klasik, kontrol yani e¤itim verilmeyen) bilgi ve davran›fl de¤iflikliklerini k›yaslamak, farkl› e¤itim yöntemlerinin ö¤rencilerin AIDS ile ilgili stigma’ya etkisini de¤erlendirmek ve çal›flma sonuçlar›n› bölgede yap›lacak di¤er sa¤l›k e¤itimlerine de yans›tmak amaçlanm›flt›r. Gereç ve yöntem: Müdahale temelli bir saha çal›flmas› olan araflt›rma 2004 y›l›nda Silivri merkezindeki Silivri Lisesi ö¤rencilerinde yap›ld›. Ö¤rencilerin (n=120) AIDS’e iliflkin bilgileri ve önyarg›lar› çok sorulu görüflme formu ile gözlem alt›nda yan›tlama tekni¤i kullan›larak de¤erlendirildi (ön-test). Ö¤renciler farkl› e¤itim yöntemleri ile e¤itildi (‹nteraktif grup:37, klasik grup: 42 ve kontrol grubu: 41). Farkl› e¤itim yöntemlerinin etkisini de¤erlendirmek için, ön testin ayn›s› olan son test, e¤itim program›n›n bitiminden bir ay sonra uyguland›. Bulgular: E¤itim öncesinde grubun AIDS bulaflma yollar›n› bilme toplam puan› ortalamas› 11,98±2,31 sonras›nda 13,81±2,19 bulundu (p=0,0001). Grubun toplam stigma puan› e¤itim öncesinde 3,6±2,6, e¤itim sonras›nda 2,0±2,3 bulundu (p=0,0001). Önyarg›lar›n de¤iflim yüzdesi interaktif grupta 67,99±23,88, klasik grupta 39,12±29,98 kontrol grubunda 13,06±17,35 olarak hesapland› (p=0,001). Post hoc LSD ile interaktif grup ile klasik grup aras›ndaki de¤iflim yüzdeleri ortalamalar› aras›ndaki farkl›l›k anlaml› bulundu (p= 0,013). Sonuç: ‹nteraktif yöntemlerle AIDS e¤itimi, hem bilgiyi hem de AIDS’e karfl› önyarg›lardan korunmay› gelifltirmektedir. Klasik e¤itim yöntemleri AIDS’e iliflkin bilgiyi art›rmakta ancak önyarg›lar üzerine etkileri s›n›rl› olmaktad› r.



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