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Abstract (2. Language): 
Chronic liver disease can cause various pulmonary disorders in the absence of detectable primary cardio-pulmonary disease. This paper reviewed pulmonary complications of chronic liver disease including hepatopulmonary syndrome, portopulmonary hypertension, as well as hepatic hydrothorax
Abstract (Original Language): 
Kronik karaci¤er hastal›¤›, kardiyopulmoner hastal›k olmaks›z›n solunum sistemiyle ilgili olarak çeflitli bozukluklara yol açabilmektedir. Bu yaz›da kronik karaci¤er hastal›¤›n›n yol açt›¤› hepatopulmoner sendrom, portopulmoner hipertansiyon ve hepatik hidrotoraks incelenmifltir.



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