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Abstract (2. Language): 
Objective: Postpartum depression may have important adverse effects on breastfeeding and child development. On the other hand, studies on postpartum depression from developing countries are very rare. This study aims to determine the factors associated with postpartum depression and the effect of postpartum depression on the breastfeeding status and neuromotor development of children in a developing country. Materials and methods: A hundred mother-infant pairs on regular follow-up from a child health surveillance clinic at a University Hospital were evaluated starting from four weeks of age. A semi-structured questionnaire concerning the pregnancy period and sociodemographic features of the parents was used. Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale was administered three times in a 6-month period to identify mothers with postpartum depresssion. Denver Developmental Screening Test (DDST) was used at 15 months of age to evaluate the neurodevelopment status of the children. Results: Nineteen per cent of mothers had depression at any time during the first 6 months after delivery. Depressed mothers were younger and unplanned pregnancies were more common. The proportion of children with normal DDST results was lower in the depressed group and also the ages of developmental milestones were delayed. Conclussion: The differences mentioned above did not reach statistical significance. Breast feeding ratios were similar in both the depressed and the non-depressed. In our study, mothers received regular and high quality support for breastfeeding and child care. Such studies should be carried out in different settings.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Amaç: Postpartum depresyonun emzirme ve çocuk geliflimi üzerine olumsuz etkileri bilinmektedir. Di¤er yandan, geliflmekte olan ülkelerde bu konuda yap›lan çal›flmalar pek azd›r. Bu araflt›rman›n amac›, geliflmekte olan bir ülkede, postpartum depresyona efllik eden etkenleri ve depresyonun anne sütü ile beslenme durumuna, çocuklar›n nöromotor geliflimine etkilerini belirlemektir. Gereç ve yöntem: Bir T›p Fakültesinin Çocuk Sa¤l›¤› ‹zlem Klini¤inde, dördüncü haftadan bafllayarak düzenli izlenen 100 anne-süt çocu¤u çifti de¤erlendirildi. Gebelik dönemi ve ailenin sosyodemografik özellikleri hakk›nda yar› yap›land›r›lm›fl anket formu kullan›ld›. Postpartum depresyon bulunan anneleri ay›rmak için, alt› ayl›k bir dönem içinde üç kez Edinburgh Postpartum Depresyon Ölçe¤i uyguland›. Çocuklar›n nörolojik geliflimlerini de- ¤erlendirmek için 15inci ayda Denver Geliflimsel Tarama Testi (DGTT) yap›ld›. Bulgular: Do¤umdan sonraki ilk alt› ayda, annelerin yüzde 19’unde depresyon bulundu. Depresyon bulunan anneler daha gençti ve bu annelerde planlanmam›fl gebelikler daha s›kt›. Yine bu grupta, DGTT sonuçlar› normal olan çocuklar›n oran› daha azd›; geliflimsel basamaklar›n zaman› da gecikmiflti. Sonuç: Bu farkl›l›klar istatistiksel olarak anlaml› bulunmad›. Emzirme oranlar›, depresyon bulunan ve bulunmayan gruplarda benzerdi. Araflt›rmam›zda anneler, emzirme ve çocuk bak›m› konular›nda düzenli ve nitelikli destek alm›fllard›r. Postpartum depresyonun s›kl›¤›n› ve etkilerini araflt›ran çal›flmalar, farkl› sa¤l›k kurulufllar›nda yap› lmal›d›r.



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