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Abstract (2. Language): 
Spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) is a rare syndrome characterized by an orthostatic headache with a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure of less than 40 mm Hg in patients without any history of severe trauma or lumbar puncture. Diagnosis is made by the definition of postural headache and with the typical cranial MRI signs like; pachymenengial diffuse gadolinium enhancement, subdural fluid collections and downward descent of the brain. SIH results from CSF leak in most cases. The exact cause of spontaneous CSF leak often remains unclear. However 2 factors are typically considered: 1-trivial traumas, 2- weakness of the dural sac. Bed rest is important for the treatment. Epidural blood patchs and rarely surgical repair are used for intractable cases.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Spontan intrakraniyal hipotansiyon (SIH) herhangi bir ciddi travma veya lomber ponksiyon yap›lma öyküsü olmayan vakalarda, ortostatik bafla¤r›s› ve düflük Beyin Omurilik S›v›s› (BOS) bas›nc› ile karakterize, nadir görülen bir tablodur. Tan› postural bafla¤r›s›n›n tan›nmas› ve tipik olarak MRG' de pakimeningial yayg›n kontrast tutulumu, subdural s›v› birikimleri ve beynin afla¤›ya do¤ru yer de¤ifltirmesi bulgular›n›n izlenmesi ile konur. Vakalar›n ço- ¤unda SIH nedeni BOS kaç›fllar›d›r. BOS kaç›fl›n›n tam olarak nedeni bilinmemektedir. Ancak 2 faktör sorumlu tutulur. Birincisi küçük travmalar, ikincisi ise dural kesenin bölgesel güçsüzlü¤üdür. Tedavide yatak istirahati çok önemlidir. Yan›ts›z vakalarda epidural kan yamalar› ya da nadiren cerrahi kullan›lmaktad›r.



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