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- İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
Objective: To investigate plasma ET-1 and NOx (nitrate/ nitrite- two end products of nitric oxide metabolism) in
acne vulgaris and to evaluate if there is any relathionship between these parameters and disease severity.
Materials and methods: Plasma samples of 30 patients with acne vulgaris and 20 healthy controls were investigated
by means ET-1 and NOx values.
Results: Plasma ET-1 and NOx in patients with acne vulgaris were significantly increased (p<0.01) in comparison
with controls. There was a weak, but significant negative correlation between ET-1 and NOx in control subjects (r=
-0.456, p< 0.05). There was no correlation between ET-1 and NOx in the study group (r= -0.195, p= 0.302). Among
the study group there was a significant correlation between ET-1, NOx and duration of disease (r= 0.412, p< 0.05
and r= 0.570, p< 0.01, respectively). There was no correlation between degree of acne lesions and ET-1 or NOx levels
in study group.
Conclusion: Increased plasma ET-1 and NOx concentrations in acne vulgaris are probably result of and/or reason
for the accentuated ductal hypercornification, hyperkeratinization and sebum accumulation. The increased production
of ET-1 and NO by keratinocytes may function as growth and cytotoxic factors and potential mitogens. The
lack of correlation between ET-1 and NOx in patients with acne vulgaris suggests that the ET-1/NOx equilibrium
may be disturbed, leading subsequently to formation of acne lesions
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Abstract (Original Language):
Amaç: Akne vulgaris’te plazma ET-1 ve NOx (nitrik oksidin metabolitleri olan nitrat/nitrit) konsantrasyon düzeylerini
tayin etmek, ayr›ca bu iki parametre ve hastal›¤›n derecesi aras›nda bir iliflki olup olmad›¤›n› incelemek.
Gereç ve yöntem: Akne vulgaris tan›s› konmufl 30 hasta ile 20 sa¤l›kl› kiflinin plazma örneklerinde ET-1 ve NOx
Bulgular: Akne vulgarisli hastalarda kontrol grubuna göre plazma ET-1 ve NOx düzeyleri anlaml› (p< 0,01) bir art›
fl gösterdi. Kontrol grubunda ET-1 ve NOx aras›nda zay›f, fakat anlaml› bir negatif korelasyon (r= -0,456, p< 0,05)
bulundu. Çal›flma grubunda ise ET-1 ve NOx düzeyleri aras›nda bir korelasyon bulunmad› (r= -0,195, p= 0,302).
Ayr›ca, çal›flma grubunda ET-1, NOx düzeyleri ve hastal›k süresi aras›nda anlaml› korelasyonlar (r= 0,412, p< 0,05
ve r= 0,570, p< 0,01) oldu¤u gözlendi. Akne lezyonlar›n›n derecesi ve ET-1, NOx düzeyleri aras›nda bir korelasyon
Sonuç: Akne vulgariste görülen plazma ET-1 ve NOx düzeylerindeki yükselifl muhtemelen artm›fl duktal hiperkornifikasyon,
hiperkeratinizasyon ve sebum birikiminin sebebi ve/veya sonucu olabilir. Artm›fl olan ET-1 ve NOx üretimi
keratinositlerde büyük olas›l›kla büyüme, sitotoksik ve mitojenik factor gibi davran›yor olabilir. Çal›flma grubunda
ET-1 ve NOx aras›nda korelasyonun bulunmamas›, akne lezyonlar›n›n oluflmas›na yol açan bu iki parametre
aras›ndaki dengenin bozuldu¤unu yans›tmaktad›r.
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