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Abstract (2. Language): 
ABSTRACT Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of life of adult asthma patients compared to a healthy control group, and to evaluate the relationships between demographics, asthma-related variables, psychological status and health-related quality of life. Material and method: Those patients who were on routine follow-up at the outpatient Department of Chest Diseases between January 1 – May 30, 2005, literate, with no psychotic symptom or mental retardation, which had given informed consent for the study, were included in to the study (n=176). The Semi-structured Interview Form, the Revised Brief Patient Health Questionnaire (Brief PHQ-r), and the short version of the Health-related Quality of Life Scale (SF-36) were administered. 100 healthy adults from the general population matched sociodemoghraphically with asthma group formed the control group. Results: The mean age was 46.27 ± 11.46 years, women were 77.3%. The mean duration of the disease was 13.03±10.50 years. According to Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) guidelines 47.2% were moderate persistent. The mean value of % predicted FEV1 was 86.62 ± 20.16. 29% of the cases defined psychiatric diagnosis according to Brief PHQ-r. The sub-domains on the SF-36 measurements of the asthma patients were significantly lower than those of the control subjects (p<0.05). Psychiatric diagnosis was found to decrease both physical and mental health dimensions of quality of life (p<0.001). Conclusion: Although physical parameters related to illness affected only the physical dimension, in patients with psychiatric morbidity, quality of life was significantly affected in all sub-dimensions.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Amaç: Bu çal›flman›n amac› yetiflkin ast›m hastalar›n›n yaflam kalitesini sa¤l›kl› kontrol grup ile karfl›laflt›rarak tan› mlamak ve hastalar›n yaflam kalitesi ile demografik, ast›mla ilgili de¤iflkenler, psikolojik durum aras›ndaki iliflkiyi de¤erlendirmektir. Gereç ve yöntem: Gö¤üs hastal›klar› anabilim dal› poliklini¤inde bir y›ld›r takipli olan hastalardan 1 Nisan-30 May› s 2005 tarihlerinde baflvuran, okur yazar olan, psikotik belirtileri veya mental retardasyon saptanmayan, çal›flmaya kat›lmay› kabul eden hastalar çal›flmaya al›nd› (n=176). Hastalara yar› yap›land›r›lm›fl görüflme formu, psikiyatrik tan›lama için standart tan› formu olan KISA (K›sa Sa¤l›k Anketi/Brief Patient Health Questionnaire-Brief PHQ), sa¤l›k alan›nda yaflam kalitesini de¤erlendirmek için SF-36 uyguland›. Kontrol grup, ast›ml› grupla sosyodemografik özellikleri efllefltirilmifl genel populasyondan seçilmifl 100 sa¤l›kl› yetiflkin ile oluflturulmufltur. Bulgular: Hastalar›n yafl ortalamas› 46,27 ± 11,46 y›l idi, %77,3’ü kad›nd›. Hastal›k süresi ortalama 13,03 ± 8,84 y›l idi. GINA (The Global Initiative for Asthma)’ya göre hastal›k evresi %47,2’si orta persistan düzeydeydi. Hastalar› n ortalama FEV1 yüzde de¤eri 86,62 ± 20,16 L idi. KISA’ya göre psikiyatrik tan› oran› %29 bulundu. Ast›m hastalar› n›n SF-36 yaflam kalitesinin tüm alt boyutlar›nda puanlar› kontrol grubundan düflük bulundu (p<0,05). Psikiyatrik bir tan›n›n varl›¤› hem fiziksel, hem mental sa¤l›k boyutunda yaflam kalitesini düflürdü¤ü saptand› (p<0,001). Sonuç: Hastal›kla ilgili fiziksel parametreler yaflam kalitesinin yaln›zca fiziksel boyutunu etkiledi¤i saptan›rken, psikiyatrik tan› konulan hastalarda ise tüm alt boyutlarda yaflam kalitesinin anlaml› düzeyde etkilendi¤i bulundu.



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