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Abstract (2. Language): 
Objective: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is an entrapment mononeuropathy of the median nerve at the wrist. Recently, it was reported that in the entrapment neuropathies, which involved motor and sensorial fibers, autonomic impression might occur. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between electrophysiological severity of CTS and sympathetic dysfunction, using the sympathetic skin response (SSR). Material and methods: Fifty patients with CTS and 34 healthy subjects were enrolled to the study. Patients were divided into mild or severe CTS groups in terms of electrophysiological findings. SSR values were measured in all subjects who enrolled in the study. Results: All motor and sensory nerve conduction parameters were affected in severe CTS; there were statistically significant differences than the controls (p<0.01). SSR latency in severe CTS group was more delayed than mild CTS and controls (F=6.1, p<0.005). SSR latency were correlated with median nerve peak distal sensory latency, the difference between median and ulnar nerves’ peak distal sensory latencies and median nerve distal motor latency in severe CTS group (p<0.000, p<0.000, p<0.005, respectively). Conclusion: These results suggested that there was sympathetic fibers’ involvement beside motor and sensory fibres in CTS and sympathetic involvement became clear when the entrapment was increased.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Amaç: Karpal tünel sendromu (KTS) median sinirin el bile¤i seviyesindeki tuzaklanma mononöropatisidir. Son dönemde motor ve duysal sinir liflerini etkileyen çeflitli tuzak nöropatilerinde otonomik tutulumun da olabilece¤i belirtilmektedir. Bu çal›flman›n amac›, KTS’li hastalarda elektrofizyolojik aç›dan tutulum fliddeti ile sempatik disfonksiyon aras›ndaki iliflkinin sempatik deri yan›tlar› (SDY) kullan›larak araflt›r›lmas›d›r. Gereç ve yöntem: Klinik KTS tan›s› konan 50 hasta ile 34 sa¤l›kl› kifli çal›flmaya dahil edildi. KTS hastalar›, elektrofizyolojik de¤erlere göre hafif ve a¤›r KTS olarak iki gruba ayr›ld›. Çal›flmaya al›nan tüm olgular›n SDY’lerine bak›ld›. Bulgular: A¤›r düzeyde etkilenmifl gruptaki bütün motor ve duyusal sinir ileti de¤erlerinde etkilenme olup, kontrol grubuna göre istatistiksel olarak anlaml› farklar vard› (p<0,01). SDY latans› a¤›r etkilenmifl grupta, hafif etkilenmifl ve kontrol grubuna göre daha uzundu (F=6,1, p<0,005). SDY latans›, a¤›r KTS grubunda, median sinir tepe distal duyusal latans, median ve ulnar sinir tepe distal duyusal latans fark› ve median sinir distal motor latanslar› ile korele idi (s›ras›yla, p<0,000, p<0,000, p<0,005). Sonuç: Bu bulgular KTS’li hastalarda median motor ve duyusal liflerin tutulumununa sempatik lif tutulumun da efllik etti¤ini ve sempatik tutulumun tuzaklanma düzeyi artt›kça belirginleflti¤ini göstermektedir



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a. Esaote biomedica phasis II operator manual, release software
4.00, Evoked potentials section, Esoate biomedica, Florance,
b. Version 10, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL Software-package.

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