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Abstract (2. Language): 
Primary cutaneous CD30 (+) anaplastic large cell lymphoma (PCALCL) and lymphomatoid papulosis (LyP) form the spectrum of primary cutaneous CD30 (+) lymphoproliferative disorders with favourable prognosis. Spontaneous regression of the skin lesions is characteristic of LyP, but a minority of LyP patients may progress to cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma (CALCL) in which skin lesions longer regress and extracutaneous dissemination often occurs. Acquired ichthyosis is a known paraneoplastic sign of lymphoproliferative malignancies with histopathologic findings that are nonspesific. Although Hodgkin’s lymphoma are associated with acquired ichthyosis, only few cases of PCALCL have been reported to be associated with this condition. In this article, we report an unusual case of ALCL in a 27-year-old man was preceded by acquired ichthyosis.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Primer kutanöz CD30 (+) anaplastik büyük hücreli lenfoma (PCALCL) ve lenfomatoid papülozis (LyP) primer kutanöz CD30 (+) lenfoproliferatif hastal›klar›n iyi gidiflli formlar›d›r. Spontan olarak deri lezyonlar›n›n gerilemesi LyP için karekteristiktir, ama olgular›n kutanöz anaplastik büyük hücreli lenfomaya (CALCL) gidifl gösteren küçük bir k›sm›nda deri lezyonlar› daha uzun sürede geriledi¤i gibi ekstrakutanöz yay›l›m da s›kl›kla görülebilmektedir. Edinsel iktiyoz lenfoproliferatif tümörlerin paraneoplastik bulgusu olarak bilinir. Hodgkin lenfomas› ile edinsel iktiyoz birlikte görülebilmesine ra¤men, literatürde çok az say›daki olguda PCALCL'nin edinsel iktiyozla birlikteli¤i bildirilmifltir. Bu sunumda, ALCL’ye edinsel iktiyozun efllik etti¤i 27 yafl›ndaki erkek olgu sunulmaktad›r.



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