
Christa Wolf’un “Kesinti” Adlı Yapıtında Nükleer Tehdit Uyarısı

The nuclear threat warning in the Work of Christa Wolf

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This study is written after the nuclear disaster in Fukushima to shed light on the current debates about the use of nuclear energy arising all over the world based upon the novel of Christa Wolf named “Interruption”. The authoress who predicts almost today` s disaster deals in her work with the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident. The warnings to the humanity about the dangers of possible future nuclear power plant and criticisims about the fondness for technology of today’s world such as the Faust have been also dealed with in this work by the use of inherent method of text analysis. Its main aim is to be able to guide to these discussions, which have been started in our country, through a german woman writer.



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Christa Wolf’un “Kesinti” Adlı Yapıtında Nükleer Tehdit Uyarısı
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Funda Kızıler Emer
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“TAEK Fukuşima da son durumu açıkladı, erişim: http://www.enerjiport.com/2011/03/22/taek-fukusima-da-son-durumu-acikladi/ [son erişim tarihi: 22.03.2011].
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