
Identitätszuschreibung als Dilemma: Die Suche nach der „wahren Türkei“ als Form ästhetischer Auseinandersetzung mit nationalkulturellen Subsumtionen in Iris Alanyalis Die Blaue Reise (2006)

The attribution of identity as a dilemma: The quest for a „truthful Turkey“ as a aesthetical configuration to deal with national and cultural subsumption in Iris Alanyalis Die Blaue Reise (2006)

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The subject of this article is both the literary and aesthetical portrayal of the national and cultural subsumption of todays image of migrants under the societal demands in matters of integration in Iris A's autobiographical narrative Die Blaue Reise. A thorough analysis of the way the topic is presented in this novel is especially worthwhile in the light of the current debate about the status of failed integration, which is the dominant topic in the German discourse. By focusing on the aesthetical means Alanyali uses in her novel, the article analyses what Alanyalis accomplishment in the field of failed integration is.



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