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Abstract (2. Language): 
The aim of this research was to determine the effect of mechanical polishing on two ceramic materials (VMK 68, Finesse) which had different firing temperatures. The samples of the two ceramic materials were divided into six groups and different surface treatments were applied to each gro up. The samples of the first group were left aside after dentin tiring, the second group had only mechanical polishing, in the third group mechanical polishing and glazing were followed after dentin firing, Hie samples of the fourth group were glazed, the samples of the fifth group were grinded with fine grained diamond burs after glazing and then they had mechanical polishing, and in the sixth group the samples were grinded with medium grained diamond burs after glazing. Although different surface roughness were observed in the same sample goups of the two ceramic materials, the most smooth surfaces were obtained in the samples which had been glazed after mechanical polishing. There were no significant differences of surface roughness between groups 5 and 6 of VMK 68 ceramic material. Tfie surface roughness of groups 1,2,4 and 5 of Finesse ceramic material samples significantly different and the samples of and 4 display ed similar surface roughness.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Araştırma, farldı pişim ısılarına sahip iki seramik materyalin (VMK 68. Finesse) yüzeyinde, mekanik cilanın etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Her iki sera¬mik materyalden hazırlanan deney örnekleri 6 gruba avırılmıs ve her mıota farklı vüzev muamelesi uygulanmıştır- 1 deney grubundaki örnekler dentin «ilminden sonra hiçbir Sem yapılmadan bırakılmış 2 denev urubunda sadece mekanik cila 3 Hene^ grubunda dentin rSimini takften mekanft cila ve dafür T de da ,se glazur sonrası normal grenlı elmas frezle aşmdır-ma ve mekanik cila uygulan<tuşür Her ık, seramik materyal, aynı deney grubunda farklı yüzey pruzluluklen göstermekle birlikte her ıkı materyalde en duzgun yüzeyler mekanik "la sonrası glazur uygulanan örneklerde belirlenmiştir. VMK 68 seramik materyalinde istatistiksel olarak 5 ve 6. deney gruplarında yüzey pürüzlülüğü açısından anlamI, bir fark olmadığı belirlemiştir. Finesse seramik materyalinde ise 1,2,4 ve 5. deney gruplarında bulunan örnek yüzeylerinin pürüzlülüğü arasında anlamh fark bulunmamakla birlikte, 2 ve 4. deney grubundaki örnekler benzer yüzey pürüzlülük değerleri vermişlerdir.



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