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Abstract (2. Language): 
The purpose of this paper is to present a case of bifid mandibular condyle with clinical and radiographic findings. 70-year-old male patient admitted to our clinic with a complaint of prosthesis induced pain. In extraoral examination a swelling on his left zygomatik area and deviation during mastication was noticed. On orthopantomografi a large left condyle and its luxated position was observed. The patient was not consider surgical treatment.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu makalenin amacı klinik ve radyografik bulgularıyla bir bifid mandibuler kondil olgusunu sunmaktır. 70 yaşında erkek hasta protez vuruğuna bağlı ağrı şikayetiyle kliniğimize başvurdu. Ekstraoral muayenede hastanın sol zigomatik bölgesinde şişliği ve çene hareketlerinde deviasyonu farkedildi. Panoramik radyografide geniş sol kondil başı ve kondilin lüksasyonu izlendi. Cerrahi tedavi düşünülmedi.



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