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Abstract (2. Language): 
Family i s known to be, by default, the most natural environment for the individual to receive the necessary deal of love, affection and care for his physical and mental well being. As for the notion of self concept, known as "self perceit" in psychlogy or "self-asteem" in the layperson's lexicon, it embodies the seemingly important perception, emotions and thoughts of the invidual. However, the essentials of a healthy and a positive manifestation of self concept in the child are mostly determined by parental attudes. This experiment was conducted between 1998-1999. The sample group consisted of 51 students, and the experiment comprised the following: 1- The function of family was identified as either positive or negative 2- A self-assessment of the student was sought for 3- The relationship between the function of family and self concept was determined 4- The relationship between those and the students' final grades was identified. The conversion and reliability tests of Self Concept Scale, which was developed by E.V. Piers and D. Harris, and which consisted of 80 items, was conducted between 1986-1987, Besides its confirmed validity, in the test of reliability, the correlation coefficient of internal consistency was found to be between.78 and 93.



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