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Abstract (2. Language): 
Television News Channels are very different from the other stations in that their formats refuse light entertainment television programmes. They do not broadcast "infotainment" in their news bulletins,as well. They primarily broadcast news from the city, state, an d world; news from economics and sports including valuable documentaries. In this respect news channels effect societies positively. News Channels were introduced to the wold in 1980's and CNN was the most outstanding example of it. CNN, as the most believable, trustworthy and global news channel of the world, is very efficient througout the world. Not only in the developed countries.but also in the underdeveloped ones is CNN considered as the prime source for news. CNN is wide-spread but during the past ten years national news channels starts beating CNN. The language itself is an obstacle for the audience.established "national-CNNs". CNN-TURC is the second one of all. CNN-TURC is a partnership of Turkish Doğan Media Group and American CNN. It uses both sides to reach the top position in Turkey. 80 % of CNN-TURC's programming structure is news,economics and sports included. The other is of cultural-artistic-educational ones. CNN-TURC makes use of the two media forces but still NTV.Turkey's first national news channel, attracts more attention and has more audience. Programming structures are almost the same: 80 % of the broadcast is attributed to news. NTV has stations in 80 country .which means the more qualified broadcast.



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