

The Cyberstar:Digita l Pleasures and The Unconscious

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Abstract (2. Language): 
in Acting in the Cinema, James Naremore defines acting in its "simplest form" as "nothing more than the transposition of everyday behaviour into a theatrical realm. It seems that computer-generated actors have already been able to enact successfully "everyday behavior" in a relatively convincing manner. One thing upon which all commentators agree is that digital film has a markedly different look from that of celluoid. The flow of computer-generated images has a greater potential to appear seamless.The image itself appears to lack depth; it has a plastic look.



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İLETİŞİM FAKÜLTESİ DERGİSİ/Sinemada Sayısal Teknolojinin Yeni Yaratısı: Sanal
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