

The New Face Of The Advertising: Internet Advertising

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The recent improvements in technology, results in not only social and cultural changes in our lives but also restructuring in economic environment. The most important implication of this restructuring on companies is to produce, to keep, to sustain information, which constitutes the greatest value in today's technologically developed and border free business environment, and to utilize it when needed. Companies, who develop the necessary technological infrastructure and expertise, have the chance to succeed and stay one step further from the fierce competition. Therefore, it is of great importance to discuss about the concepts of "e-marketing" and "e-commerce", both of which are applied together with the traditional marketing and sales tools İn today's challenging business world.Companies that perform their marketing and sales operations electronically, encounters the affects of this new economy on the advertising field as a very important part of then marketing activities. In addition to traditional advertising tools, companies utilizing the cyber area for marketing purposes, began to benefit from the same area for advertising. As a result of this cyber marketing actions, the concept of "internet advertising" has taken its place in the advertising business.



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