
BİR HALKLA İLİŞKİLER YÖNTEMİ OLARAK ÜRÜN YERLEŞTİRME: Halkla İlişkiler Sektörünün Ürün Yerleştirme Pratiklerine Bakışı

Product Placement as an Advertising Way: Product Placement from the Public Relations Practitioners' point of View

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Public relations has incorporated varied media and interpersonal tools in an effort to support positive relationships between organizations and their many publics. In recent years, nezo tools and approaches to traditional tools , have become available to the public relations practitioner.The aim of this study is to research how product placement is accepted in public relations as an advertising way.



A Content Analysis of Product Placement in the Top Ten Major Motion Pictures of 1997, www.sbear.uca.edu.
-PARDUN, J., Carol & Mc KEE, Kathy Brittain, Public Relations Review, Vol :25, No:4, Winter 99.
-Marketing Türkiye, sayı 52.

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