

Tîıe Role of Public Relations Under the Influence of Globalization Ideology

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Globalization ideology attributes global identities, global roles and global practices. As long as the conditions are suitable enough, credibility of a given ideology also increases. Being supposed to function in democratic societies, public relations can function as an effectively element as a means of communication for the formation, direction and internalization of a given ideology. Public relations contributes to the ideology that it serves by message creation, consciousness formation and manipulation functions. Public relations comprises all adoption, persuasion, internalization and consent formation efforts thai capital creates in bodies and minds. It is simply a consent formation process. Public relations is a long term communication process using persuasion and confidence for the purpose of continuing a positive communication with the target group. The methods and means used by public relations today have arisen from the conditions of capitalist-liberal system. Therefore, public relations might unavoidably be degraded as a means to introduce the globalization ideology. The purpose of this study is to put forward the rote of public relations under the influence of globalization ideology. Is public relations an adaptation process related to the discourses formed in the name of a whole scale development of a society along with its institutions or is it an adaptation process suitable to the dominant and persuasive discourses as well as actions or motivations?



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