

From The Town Crier to The Television: Advertising-The Everlasting Discussion

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In the daily life, we live surrounded by advertising messages. Advertisements, beyond the principles of information and competition, affect and shape the social structures. Although we can find the first examples of advertising in the ancient Greek, advertisements in the contemporary sense appeared as a result of the growth in the literate population, the newspapers and the development of publishing technologies. The Industrial Revolution and developments in the communications caused an increase in the number of advertisements. But the real transformation in advertisements was due to the necessity of mass consumption of mass production goods. After World War One, there was an increase İn the production of consumer's goods in the United States and the advertisers started to promote modern commodities. Actually, they were also promoting a new life style. Early advertisements included information about the products, assuming the consumer a rational decision maker. After the development of the radio and later the television, advertisers mostly preferred adressing to the viewer's feelings rather than giving information. The Industrial Revolution changed the forms of production, causing the traditional structures to collapse. A critique of the mass society and the notion of alienation were formulated in the same period. In this critique, mass communication and advertising received their own shares.



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