

Propaganda A&töty ofUte Bush Adminİstrıtlİon On Middle East After The September 11 Attacks

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this paper, the strategy of propaganda activity by the Bush administration after the September I 7 a Hacks was analyzed. After the September 11 attacks, Bush administration use of the media to promote militarist agendas. This paper argues aboul 'Al Hurra" tu, "hi' magazine and Radio Sawa which was builded by Bush administration to effect the hearts and minds of Arabic people who live in Middle East. The media is an incredibly powerful fi/rce which has the ability to manipulate the minds and hearts of the American people. But the media which was built by Bush administration was not sucxesfuU to manipulate the minds and hearts of the Arabic people. Furthermore paper analyzes and discuss that the relationship between Bush administration and Pentagon with The Rendon Group (PR firm}.



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