

Organization And Management Of Public Relations In Local Government

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This study includes management and organization of public relations function in Local Government by an..'. an example of a borough in Istanbul. A qualitative, monografic survey v>as conducted for fourteen months and the data was collected via open and participative observations. Aim of the study was to understand the meaning of public relations among management level, to describe the organizational chart wtiithin this function and whithin the organization as a whole and to see the management process of public relations activities but not to point out an ideal or bad example in local Government. The results were generated by the outputs of the public relatioits function and the process of the public relations management. Some general findings include that the borough council conducts She public relations function with three different managerial uuits. that the public relations function was placed close to the top manager, that each of three managerial units had different jobs and activities, that fhe council applied a variety of public relations tools and thai the public relations activities were not planned and expensive*



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