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Abstract (2. Language): 
This paper closely examines T. S. Eliot's use of Tiresias in "The Waste Land" as a commentary on treatment of female sexuality in the Modern era and contrasts it to Guillaume Apollinaire's surrealist play "Les Mamelles de Tiresias". Eliot's use of Tiresias, in his specification of Ovid's rendition in Metamorphoses, his allusion to Apollinaire's own use of Tiresias, and his structuring of Tiresias as narrative frame suggests that rather than misogynistic, Eliot is actually sensitive to female sexual alienation as a result of capitalism, rather than advocating an end to Feminism as Apollinaire does. As women became responsible for repopulating nations and their reproductive organs became property of the state, society and medical community, recreational sex for women became a clinical and empty function. Where Apollinaire surrealistically advocates anti-feminist perspectives, Eliot presents a realistic decaying scene, framed by and contrasted with the Classical figure of Tiresias, a representation of female sexual pleasure.



Apollinaire, Guillaume. "The Mammaries of Tiresias." Three Pre-Surrealist Plavs. Trans: Maya
Slater. New York: OUP, 1997. 153-207. Bates, Scott. "Erotic Propaganda in Apollinaire's Les Mamelles de Tiresias". Eroticism in French
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New York: Rodopi BV, January 1983. 32-41. Dean, Tim. "T. S. Eliot, famous clairvoyante." Laity and Gish 43-65.
Eliot, T. S. Introduction. The Waste Land: A Facsimile and Transcript of the Original Drafts Including the Annotations of Ezra Pound. Ed. Valerie Eliot.. New York: W. W. Norton & Co.Jnc., 2003. 474-487.
-. "The Waste Land". Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry Vol 1. 3rd ed.
New York: W. W. Norton & Co.Jnc, 2003. 474-487. Hesiod. The Homeric Hymns and Homerica, Fragment 3. The Online Medieval and Classical
Library. Berkeley: Berkeley Digital Library, 2005.
http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/OMACL/Hesiod/frag2.html Kimball, Roger. "A craving for reality: T. S. Eliot today". New Criterion.
http://newcriterion.com:81/archive/18/oct99/eliot.htm Laity, Cassandra and Nancy K. Gish, eds. Gender. Desire, and Sexuality in T. S. Eliot.. New
York: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
McDonald, Gail. ""Through the schoolhouse windows: women, the academy, and T. S. Eliot." Laity and Gish 175-194
Ovid. "Book III". Metamorphoses. Ed. Hugo Magnus. Gotha (Germany): Friedr. Andr. Perthes.
1892. Accessed via web through Perseus Project, "Voluptas." Oxford Latin Dictionary. Ed. P.G.W. Glare. 2006.

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