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Abstract (Original Language): 
1. Roma Andlaşmasında, Neumark Raporunda ve özel vergiler hakkında alınacak tedbirlerle ilgili müteakip direktiflerde vaz'edildikleri şekli ile vergi ahenkleştirmesi için ileri sürülen sebeplere yeniden göz atmak ilginçtir. 2. Neumark Raporu Roma Andlaşmasının konu ile ilgili olan maddelerinin büyütülmüş bir şekli idi. Her iki dokümana da göz atacak olursak temel fikrin, AET memleketleri için, bir tek memlekette mevcut olabilecek bir vergi sistemine mümkün mertebe ben¬zer bir vergi sisteminin yaratılması olduğunu görürüz.



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4. D. DOSSER, "Welfare Effects of Tax Unions'", Review of Economic Studies, 87, June 1964.
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6. D. DOSSER, "Fiscal and Social Security Barriers to Economic In-



tegration in the Atlantic Area" in Studies in Trade Liberalisation
(ed. Balassa) (The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Md., 1967).
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8. D. DOSSER, S: S, HAN AND T. HITIRIS, "Estimating the Trade Effects of Tax Harmonisation in the E.E.C.", in preparation.
9. E.E.C., Report of the Fiscal and Financial Committee (Neumark Report) (E.E.C., Brussels, 1962),

10. E.E.C., The Development of a European Capital Market (Segre Keport) (E.E.C., Brussels, 1966).
11. H. G. GR.UEEL And H. G. JOHNSON, "Nominal Tariffs, Indirect Taxes and Effective Rates of Protection : The Common Market Countries, 1959*1', Economic Journal, 77, December 1967.
12. M. KRAUSS, "Tax Harmonisation and Allocative Efficiency in Economic Unions'', Public Finance, forthcoming,
13. PEGGY B. MUSGRAVE, "Harmonisation of Direct Business Taxes : A Case Study", in Fiscal Harmonisation in Common Markets (ed, Shoup) (Columbia University Press, New York,
14. G.K. SHAW, "European Economic Integration and Stabilisation Policy" in Fiscal Harmonisation in Common Markets (ed. Shoup) (Columbia University Press, New York, 1967).
15. H. SHIBATA, "The Theory of Economic Unions : A Comparative Analysis of Customs Unions, Free Trade Areas and Tax Unions'' in Fiscal Harmonisation in Common Markets (ed. Shoup) ( Co¬lumbia University Press, New York, 1967).
16. C. SHOUP, "Taxation Aspects of International Economic Integ¬ration" in Financial, Fiscal and Budgetary Aspects of Interna¬tional Economic integration (International Institute of Public Fi¬nance, Proceedings of the Frankfurt Congress, 1953).
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venue Systems (International Institute of Public Finance, Pro¬ceedings of the Luxembourg Conference, 1963).
18. C. SHOUP (ed.), Fiscal Harmonisation in Common Markets (Columbia University Press, New York, 1967).
19. M. STAMP (AND ASSOCIATES), The Free Trade Area Option (The Atlantic Trade Study, London, 1967.

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