
L’Orientalismo in Edmondo De Amicis: Spagna, Marocco, Costantinopoli

Orientalism in Edmondo De Amicis: Spain, Morocco, Constantinople

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Edmondo De Amicis was one of the first Italian reporters; his reportages were, at his time, famous and read by many people. Especially his travel reports about Mediterranean countries (Spain, Morocco, Constantinople), can be counted among the masterpieces of odeporic literature of the XIX century. In these works the writer, within a detailed account of facts and places, mixes actual reportage style with sentimentalism and the amazement of a tourist in front of a foreign country’s beauties, alternating gloomy and amusing parts. What we would like to highlight here is that oeuvres such as Morocco, Constantinople and, to a lesser extent, Spain, are a genuine example of Italian orientalism, formulated according to French and English stylistic patterns, but developed in a personal and original way. De Amicis aims to move readers’ feelings and to convey his emotions, whether positive or negative. He never expresses judgments about the East, but describes it with the feelings of someone fascinated by a completely different world.