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Abstract (2. Language): 
Cork oak (Quereus suber L.) naturally occırs in the Souther'' Etuope •tud North Africa. Although it may be grown in 'he E.v lorn Mediterranean regions. Its importance for Turkey was pointed out in the paper titled "the importance of cork oak (Quereus suber L.) for Turkey" which was given at the meting of European Commission for Forest and Forest Products in the FAO of the United Nation in Istanbul, 1952. After discussing of this matter, Portugal and Marocan delagations had promised to send us the acorns, and after then, for example 2 kgm. acorns were sended by the Station of forest Research in Maroe. These acorns were sown in pots al Bahçeköy and some of the seedlings were planted out in the forest arid others were planted at the garden of the forest Faculty. Those which are in the forest did not show any good result to grow up, but those which are in the garden, reached up young trees in 1,5-2 m. hight with 5-6 cm diameters (Table 2). It is observed that corky layer began to develop on young trees which were) or 6 years old (Fig. 2). In 1963, since winter was very serious, temperature sometimes downed at -15.8°C. and some ornament trees such as Finns pinea L., Cupressus goiveniana Gord. etc. were seriously dama ged. Since 1900 the temperature has never been below as 1954 winter (-12.4°C.) young cork oak seedlings were not injured because of they were covered by the snow. After 1963 winter the winterkilled cork oak tranks were cut down from the soil level, and after two years the strong shoots grown up in 100-145 cm. hight with 10-20 mm. diameters (Tablo 4) It is pointed out that Bahçeköy and its resembling conditions are critical places for the cultivation of the exotic species. Usuallv cork oak can grow up at 13-17 C (Min. -5 and Max. 39"C)
Abstract (Original Language): 
Mediterraıı lejyonunun tipik ağaçlarından biri olan Mantar Meşesi iÇjuercus suber L.) tabiateıı Güney Avrupa (Portekiz, İspanya, Güney Fransa, İtalya) ile Kuzey Afrika (Fas, Cezayir, Tunus) da yayılmıştır i Harita: 1). Görülüyor ki doğal bulunuşu batı Akdenizdir. Fakat cîoğu Akdeniz sahil arazisinde de yetiştirilmesi mümkündür (1). Odun, Meyve, hususiyle mantarlı kabuğundan çeşitli şekillerde faydalanılan bu ağacın Türkiye için önemi 1952 de İstanbul'da toplanan "European (-on,mission for Forest and Forest Products in the FAO ot the United Nations - Third Meeting of the Subeommission for the Mediterranean Countries' kongresine "The Importance of Cork-Oak (Quer-eus suber) for Turkey" adı altında bir tebliğ olarak sunulmuştur (2). Bu tebliğin münakaşasından sonra Portekiz ve Fas delegasyonu kendi memleketlerinden Bahçeköyde yapılacak ilk denemeler için Fakülteye tohum göndereceklerini \ adetmişlerd'ir. Hakikaten 21.1.1954 tarihinde Rabat'taki - Station de Reeherehes forestieres-Maroc'dan 2 kg. tohum gönderilmiştir (Cetvel: 1).