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Abstract (2. Language): 
The role of the ancient cultures in their own cultural identities is one of the major issues in the essays of Salama Moussa and Cevat §akir Kabaagagh, the Egyptian and the Turkish writers. Egyptian writer Salama Moussa, in his essays concerning this issue, underlines the significance of the pharaonic past of Egypt, regards the ancient Egypt as the basis of the civilization and argues that the pharaonic culture must be adopted as the main element of the Egyptian cultural identity. On the other hand, Cevat $akir Kabaaga^li, the Turkish writer, emphasizes the role of the ancient Anatolian culture in the contemporary Turkish identity. He argues that the origins of the ancient Greek civilization emerged in Anatolia. And he also expresses that many cultural elements of the ancient Anatolian civilizations surviving in the time being in Turkey.



See, Brugman,J, an Introduction to the History of Modern Arabic
Literature in Egypt, Leiden, E.J.Brill,1984, p.341,342.
2 See Rahmi Er, Modern Mısır Romanı (1914-1944), Ankara 1997, p.38-39.
3 For Salama Moussa, see Brugman, J, Ibid, p.392-402.
4 See Bedrettin Aytaç, Modern Mısır Edebiyatında Kültürel Kimlik
Arayışına Bir Örnek; Selâme Mûsâ, Birinci Orta Doğu Semineri(
Kavramlar Kaynaklar ve Metodoloji) , Bildiriler, T.C. Fırat Üniversitesi
Orta-Doğu Araştırmaları Merkezi, Elazığ 2004, p.201-207.
8 Bedrettin AYTAÇ
5 See Salama Moussa, MısrAsl al-Hadara , Cairo 1947, p. 22.
6 See Ibid, p. 103.
7 See Ibid, p.27,61.
8 See Ibid, p.63.
9 See Ibid, p. 128.
10 See Ibid, p. 150-152.
11 See Ibid, p.7-9.
12 See Salama Moussa, Muhtarat Salama Moussa,Maktaba al-Maaref, Beirut
1980, p. 110.
13 Misr Asl al-Hadara, p. 13.
14 See Mustafa Özcaıı, Halikamas Balıkçısı'nın Hikâye ve Romanları
Üzerinde Bir Araştırma (Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis), Selçuk Üniversitesi
Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Konya 1985, p.7-14.
15 See Halikarnas Balıkçısı Bütün Eserleri 4 , Merhaba Anadolu (Prepared
by Şadan Gökovalı), Bilgi Yayınevi, Ankara 2002,p.39.
16 Halikarnas Balıkçısı Bütün Eserleri 6 Düşün Yazıları (Yayıma Hazırlayan
:Azra Erhat) Bilgi Yayınevi, Mayıs 2002 p.72.
17 Ibid, p.44.
18 Ibid,p.66, Hey Koca Yurt, p.286.
19 See Hey Koca Yurt, p. 108-110.
20 Merhaba Anadolu, p. 155-156.
21 Hey Koca Yurt, p. 188,189.
22 See Düşün Yazıları, p. 40,41.
23 Ibid, 55,56.
24 See Ibid, 55-61.

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