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Abstract (2. Language): 
This article focuses on the historical rools of European integration. It presents an n'aluation of thc Europcan Uhnion as a contcmporery cpisode of calls for European unihcaiion in histon'. Ii highlights thc links of thc prescnt slrivc for political integration in the EU u'ith those of earlier decadesa nd er.'enc enturies.T he article hrstll' conccntrates of the meanings of the concept of "Europe" in historv. Then it prescnts a brief summan' of the rnovements for political unihcation of Europe and lastlv it evaluates on the European integration from a political perspective. The article concudes that at the bcginning of the 21" Century. the term "Europe" is starting to be idcntical rirlh the European Union.



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(' un t ttru tr r t .r-, Lvnne RiennerP ublishers"L ondon. I 99.1
F-ischerJ. oschka." Vom Staatenverbundz. urF

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