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Abstract (2. Language): 
Over the past tryo decadest.h e use of rnformationt echnologies(l T) has becomem ore intensil'ei n mosti ndustrializede conomiesT. his rapid diffirsiona nd usingo f IT hasl cad to appears omce conomicre sultsT. he economicrc sultso f IT can be cassifiedi n trvo \\'a)'s. Micro effects( the effectso n consumersp. roducers and markets) and macro effects (the effects on economic struclure: employment. skill lel'els and u'ages:p roductivit-vg: lobaliz.ationa nd internationalc ompetition). In this paper, I revierv theories on the economic effects of IT. especially on productivity and economic groMh. and discuss the nature of lhe economic effects that shouldb e e.xpcctefdr om the diffusiono f IT. Also in this studv,I reviervedth e diffusion and using of IT in Turkq'.



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