The Effect Of Human Capital On Economic Growth: The CaseOf Turkey
Journal Name:
- İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
This study examines the relations and interactions between economic growth and education
variables in Turkey over the period 1980-1997. In this context, based on the hypothesis that
the basic educational institutions in the formal education system are the main mechanisms to
improve human competences, the effects of the variables related to education in terms of
human capital on economic growth are investigated. In the conducted analyses, it is also tried
to determine whether there is any long-term relations and causality between the variables
concerned.-The empirical results shows that the increase in the enrollment rate in the primary
education causes an increase in economic growth and, in turn, the increase in economic
growth causes an increase in the enrollment rate of the high school education. In addition, it is
determined that the increase in the enrollment rate in the higher education is a result of the
increase in the enrollment rate of the high school education and an increase in the expenditure
on education causes an increase in the enrollment rate of the high school education.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Bu çalismada Türkiye’de 1980-1997 dönemi dikkate alinarak, egitimle ilgili degiskenlerle
iktisadi büyüme arasindaki iliski ve etkilesimler ele alinmistir. Beseri sermaye olarak
adlandirilan insani yeteneklerin gelistirilmesi iç in temel kurumsal mekanizmanin formel
egitim sistemi oldugu varsayimindan hareketle egitimle ilgili degiskenlerin iktisadi büyüme
üzerindeki etkis i arastirilmistir. Yapilan analizlerde degiskenler arasinda uzun dönemli bir
iliskinin yanisira, degiskenler arasinda bir nedensellik iliskisinin olup olmadigi belirlenmeye
çalisilmistir. Analizler sonucu, ilkokul okullasma oranindaki artisin iktisadi büyümedeki
artisin ve iktisadi büyümedeki artisin ise lise okullasma oranindaki artisin nedeni oldugu
belirlenmistir. Ayrica, yüksekokul okul okullasma oranindaki artisin lise okullasma
oranindaki artistan kaynaklandigi ve egitim harcamalarindaki artisin ise lise okullasma
oranindaki artislarin bir nedeni oldugu tespit edilmistir.
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