

Changes in Organizational St ructure in Transit ion To Informat ion Society: The Relationship Between Information TechnologiesAnd Organizational Structure

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Fundamental changes occur in every aspect of life in trans ition from industrial to information society. The most important underlying reason for this transition is the rapid changes in information technologies. These technologies affect organizations and require them to change as much as they change and affect everyday of life. In this artic le, changes in organizational structure are emphasised by analyzing the relationship between organizational structure and information technologies. First, concepts about information society and technologies are defined, and then the impacts of information technologies on organizations are examined in detail
Abstract (Original Language): 
Sanayi toplumundan bilgi toplumuna geç is sürecinde, yasamin hemen hemen her alaninda köklü degis imler meydana gelmektedir. Bu degis im sürec inin altindaki en önemli neden ise, bilis im teknolojileri alaninda meydana gelen bas döndürücü hizdaki gelismelerdir. Bu teknolojiler günlük yasami etkileyip degistirdigi kadar örgütleri de etkilemekte ve degis ime zorlamaktadir. Bu çalismada bilis im toplumuna geç iste, özellikle örgütsel yapi-bilisim teknolojis i iliskisi irdelenerek örgütsel yapida meydana gelen degisimler vurgulanmistir. Bilgi toplumu ve bilis im teknolojileriyle ilgili kavramlar belirtilerek, bu teknolojilerin örgütler üzerindeki etkileri detayli olarak açiklanmistir.



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