

A Study I n Banking About TheRelationship Between The Fairness Perceptions And The InnovativeWork Behaviour

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Nowadays, technological development affected importantly the strategies of the organizations. On account of the technological developments, it became an obligation to be accessible to development for the organization. Along with the technological developments,individual behaviors in an organization change day by day. One of these changes is innovative work behavior of the employee.One of the important point that the organizations has to consider is the fairness perceptions of the employees. When the employees worked in an organization, they want to be meeted their expectations. When expectations of the employees are meeted with some rewards by the managers in the organization; being fairness perceptions about the reward system became important for the employee.The employees whom the fairness perceptions were satisfied became more desirous to cope with the heavy workload. Thus; they are willingness to solve the problems about their job and are willingness for the innovative work behavior in their organization.In this concept, in the first part of the study, the definitions related to the innovative work behavior and the perceptions of fairness are included with literature review. In the second part, information about the study method is given. Finally, the findings and discussions are given. The most important finding of the study is that is important for the employees to join the organizational processes and that increased behavior of taking responsisbility for gives some help for the innovative work behavior.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Günümüzde teknolojinin hizli gelis imi, örgütlerin stratejilerini de önemli derecede etkilemistir. Teknolojik gelismelere paralel olarak örgütlerin gelismeye açik olmalari zorunluluk haline gelmistir. Bu gelismeler dogrultusunda örgütte yer alan bireylerin davranislarinda da önemli degis iklikler gözlenmektedir. Bu degis ikliklerden biri de isyerindeki yenilikçi is davranisinin ortaya çikmasidir.Örgütlerin önem vermesi gereken bir diger konu ise çalisanlarin adalet algilamalaridir. Çalisanlar örgüt iç inde görevlerini yerine getirirken karsiliginda bazi beklentilerin gerçeklestirilmes ini isterler. Çalisanlarin beklentilerinin, yani çaba-ödül beklentileri, örgüt tarafindan karsilanirken adaletli davranilmasi, çalisanlar açisindan dikkat edilen bir konudur. Adaletli davranilmasi birey açisindan ne kadar önemliyse, örgüt veya grup tarafindan da ayni derecede önem tasimaktadir. Adalet algilari tatmin edilen çalisanlar, agir isyükünün üstesinden gelmek için daha istekli hale gelmektedirler. Böylece isyerindeki sorunlari çözmeye ve yenilikç i is davranislarinda bulunmaya istekli olmaktadirlar.Bu düsünceler isiginda yapilan arastirma asagida sunulmustur. Arastirmanin ilk bölümünde literatürde bulunan adalet algilari ve yenilikç i is davranisi ile ilgili çalisma ve bulgulara yer verilmistir. Ikinc i bölümde ise arastirmanin metodolojisi üzerinde durulmustur. Sonuç bölümünde ise arastirmanin sonuçlari ve tartismalar yer almaktadir.



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