ProblemsOf Dodecanesian Turks Since The Lausanne Treaty
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- İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi
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The subject of the article is the problems of Dodecanesian Turks, who were neglected, weren't
called attention to and mostly forgotten, since Turks in Western Thrace have been the focus
within the context of Turks in Greece. They couldn't have the minority rights mentioned in the
Lausanne Treaty, because Dodecanese had belonged to Italy when the Lausanne Treaty was
signed in 1923 and the Paris Treaty of 1947 gave the islands to Greece after the Second World
Dodecanesian Turks of today live through problems such as education in mother tongue and
schools, mosques, imams and ill-administered foundation properties.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Bu çalismanin konusu, 1923’te Lozan Antlasmasi imzalandiginda Onikiada’nin Italya’ya ait
oldugu ve Yunanistan’a II. Dünya Savasi’ndan sonra 1947 Paris Antlasmasi ile
devredildiginden dolayi, Lozan Antlasmasi’ndaki azinlik haklarindan yararlanamayan;
Yunanistan’daki Türkler denildiginde de Bati Trakya Türkleri üzerine odaklanildigindan pek
dikkat çekmeyen, kenarda kalmis ve adeta unutulmus bir cemaat olan Onikiada Türkleri’nin
Günümüzde Onikiada Türkleri, anadilde egitim ve okul, cami, imam, vakif mallarinin kötü
idares i gibi sorunlarla karsi karsiyadirlar.
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