

Political Representation

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The evolutionary changes in the meaning and functions of as a term and as an instituton from 12th century when the term is generated, to the modern times, makes it difficult to define the term. On the other hand, new social and political movements which have been increas ingly ris ing in Western democracies during last 30-40 years, brought to the agenda new debates about representative democracy. I, in this paper, tried to analyze the term “representation” which constitutes one of the basic characteristics of democracy, from both historical and modern perspectives, to rethink the term, and finally to make a modest, descriptive contribution to the Turkish literature on political representation
Abstract (Original Language): 
Temsilin hem bir kavram hem de bir kurum olarak ortaya çiktigi 12. yüzyildan günümüze geçirmis oldugu anlam ve is lev degis imi, onun tanimlanmasini güçlestirmekte ve bir anlam kargasasi yaratmaktadir. Diger yandan, son 30-40 yi l iç inde Bati Demokrasilerinde giderek güçlenen “yeni sosyal ve siyasal hareketler”, tems ili demokrasi konusunda yeni tartismalari gündeme getirmis ve temsil kavraminin yeniden irdelenmesi egilimini güç lendirmistir. Bu yazinin amaci, demokrasinin temelini olusturan “temsil” kavramini hem tarihsel hem de modern anlamlarinda irdelemek, kavrami yeniden düsünmek ve Türkçe literatüre, bu betimleyici çalismayla, küçük bir katkida bulunmaktir



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