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Abstract (2. Language): 
When intercultural theatre is of question one of the first directors to be remembered is Peter Brook and his play “Mahabbarata” is one of the works which has been analysed most by the theatre academics. In the fisrt part of the article the play which was adopted from an Indian epic by Brook has been evaluated and analysed with a method developed by Patrice Pavis thus, the connection Brook made with religious elements when he was trying to form a special language which would cover many cultures in theatre has been traced. The second part of the article has been focused on some Western scientists and Indian theatre people; their evaluations and perceptions on Mahabbarata have been compared, thus an answer to the question “if we could talk about a postcolonial colonialism on an artistic level” has been seeked.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Peter Brook için, oyunlarının farklı kültürlerde gösterilebilmesi büyük önem tasımaktadır. Brook her tiyatral geleneğin içinde farklı kültürlerde anlamlandırılma potansiyeline sahip öğelerin bulunduğu düsüncesinden yola çıkmaktadır. Brook, farklı gelenek ve kültürlerden gelen, ancak herhangi bir kültürde tiyatral bir öğe olarak islev görebilen, alımlanabilen ve yorumlanabilen öğelerden olusan bir tiyatro olusturma çabasındadır. Brook’un yabancı tiyatro kültürlerine duyduğu ilgi onun “evrensel bir tiyatro dili” üzerine sürdürdüğü arayısının bir parçasıdır.



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