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Abstract (2. Language): 
Today's Libya, which from 1551 forward was attached to the Ottoman state for centuries and administered by units stationed in Trablusgarb, was formally attached to the Ottoman administrative system in 1835. In the following years, particularly in the agricultural sector, a number of developmental programs were enacted. Within this framework the region of the Ahdar Mountains (located between Bingazi and Derne), which was home to wild olives was developed with the objective of increasing the agricultural vialibility of the Bingazi district. Initial plans to settle nomadic Arab tribes in this region were unsuccessful. Subsequently efforts to settle Circassian refugees from the Caucasus were undertaken. This too, despite a number of preparations, did not obtain the desired result. Ultimately in 1898 a decision was undertaken to resettle 1000 families (5000 individuals) of Muslims refugees from the island of Crete in this region. In the end close to 4000 of these refugees arrived in Bingazi. However these refugees did not stay for any length Today's Libya, which from 1551 forward was attached to the Ottoman state for centuries and administered by units stationed in Trablusgarb, was formally attached to the Ottoman administrative system in 1835. In the following years, particularly in the agricultural sector, a number of developmental programs were enacted. Within this framework the region of the Ahdar Mountains (located between Bingazi and Derne), which was home to wild olives was developed with the objective of increasing the agricultural vialibility of the Bingazi district. Initial plans to settle nomadic Arab tribes in this region were unsuccessful. Subsequently efforts to settle Circassian refugees from the Caucasus were undertaken. This too, despite a number of preparations, did not obtain the desired result. Ultimately in 1898 a decision was undertaken to resettle 1000 families (5000 individuals) of Muslims refugees from the island of Crete in this region. In the end close to 4000 of these refugees arrived in Bingazi. However these refugees did not stay for any length of time. As a result of the tribulations they were subjected to the majority soon left the region. In the end only 250 households (1250-1300 individuals) were successfully settled in the region.
Abstract (Original Language): 
1551 yılından itibaren asırlarca Osmanlı Devleti'ne bağlı olarak Trablusgarp ocakları tarafından yönetilen bugünkü Libya, 1835 yılında doğrudan Osmanlı idaresine bağlanmıştır. Ardından bölgede özellikle tarım alanında birçok kalkınma hamlesi gerçekleşmiştir. İşte bu çerçevede Bingazi ile Derne arasındaki Cebel-i Ahdar bölgesini kaplayan yabani zeytinlikler ıslah edilerek, Bingazi bölgesinin tarımsal açıdan kalkınması hedeflenmiştir. Nitekim önce bölgeye göçebe Arap aşiretleri yerleştirilmek istenmişse de bunda başarılı olunamamıştır. Ardından Kafkasya'dan gelen Çerkez göçmenler yerleştirilmek için uğraşılmıştır. Bu yolda bir çok hazırlıklar yapılmışsa da bir sonuç elde edilememiştir. Nihayet 1898 yılında Girit'ten göç etmek zorunda bırakılan Müslüman göçmenlerden 1000 hanenin (5000 nüfus) bu bölgeye yerleştirilmesine karar verilmiştir. Sonuçta 4000 civarında nüfus Bingazi'ye ulaşmıştır. Ancak bu göçmenler uzun süre buraya iskân olunmamıştır. Nihayet çektikleri sıkıntılar yüzünden büyük çoğunluğu bölgeden ayrılmıştır. Bunlardan ancak 250 hanesi (1250-1300 nüfus) bölgeye yerleştirilebilmiştir.