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Abstract (2. Language): 
This exercise has been a solution to the security problem of electronic commerce by using digital signature systems in which DSA and RSA algorithms have been analyzed. With the help of DSA and signature systems a like, users will be able to exchange messages with each other, build up trade links and in line with the expansion of the electronic commerce. In this exercise a digital signature system has been created by using RSA algorithm.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çalýþmada, e-ticaret’te bir sorun olan güvenlik problemine çözüm olabilecek sayýsal imza sistemlerine genel bir giriþ yapýlmýþ DSA ve RSA algoritmalarý incelenmiþtir. DSA ve benzeri sayýsal imza sistemlerinin oluþturulmasýyla kullanýcýlar birbirlerine güvenli bir ºekilde mesaj gönderebilecek, iþ baðlantýlarý kurabilecek, e-ticaret’in yaygýnlaþmasý saðlanacaktýr. Bu çalýþmada RSA algoritmasýnýn kullanýldýðý bir sayýsal imza sistemi geliþtirilmiþtir.