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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this study, our objective is to develop a dsPIC based signal monitoring and processing system for analogue signals such as physiological originated signals (ECG, EMG, EEG, etc.). Microcontroller or microprocessor based monitoring systems can be much cheaper than PC based systems. However, the implementation of digital signal processing techniques using microcontroller is neither simple nor straight forward. The designed device consists of following hardware stages; a microcontroller adaptor board, dsPIC development board, (128×64) graphic LCD, and (4×4) keypad. Also, there are five different software modules which are ADC (Analog Digital Converter), FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), graphic LCD, keypad, and filter programs. The proposed device takes analogue signals via an ADC module and processes them with dsPIC by using keypad commands and then allows to plot at graphic LCD.



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and Microsystems, 2007, Vol:31, pp. 370-380.
[2] J.G. Ackenhusen, Real time signal
processing, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1999.
[3] Microchip Technology Inc., DS70119D – ds
PIC30F6010 Datasheet.
[4] Microchip Technology Inc., DS70046E – ds
PIC30F Family Reference Manual, 10-Bit A/D
[5] R.G. Lyons, “Understanding Digital Signal
Processing”, The Fast Fourier Transform, 1997,
pp. 129-154,.
[6] [6] Microchip Technology Inc., DS51456C - 16-
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[7] [7] Microchip Technology Inc., DS51456C - 16-
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A Design Of DSPIC Based Signal Monitoring And Processing System
Salih ARSLAN, Koray KÖSE, Mehmet ENGIN, Erkan Zeki ENGIN, Mehmet KORÜREK
Salih ARSLAN received
the B.S. degree in
Electrical and Electronics
Engineering from Ege
University, 2007. Since
that time, he is working in
AYESAS (Aydın Yazılım
ve Elektronik Sanayi A.
S.) as a software engineer.
He is experienced on
avionics software
development and testing.
Embeded software
development on real time
operating systems, signals
and systems,
microelectronics are his interested fields.
Koray KÖSE was born in Amasya, 1984. He received
B.S. degree in Electrical
and Electronics
Engineering from Ege
University, 2007.
Currently, he is working
for Motorola as RF
Planning & Optimization
Mehmet ENGIN received M.Sc degree from
Marmara University and Ph.D. degree from Kocaeli
University, 1988 and 1996, respectively. From 1996 to
1999, he was Assistant Professor at Electronic and
Computer Education Department of Kocaeli
University. He is currently Assistant Professor at
Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department of
Ege University. His research interests include
biomedical signal processing and biomedical
instrumentation, wavelet transform.
Erkan Zeki ENGIN received B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree
in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Ege
University, 2000 and 2003, respectively. Currently, he
is continuing his Ph.D. education at Ege University
and also Assistant at the same university. His research
interests include biomedical signal processing,
biomedical instrumentation, voice processing and
cochlear implant.
Mehmet KORÜREK received B.Sc., M.Sc. and
Ph.D. degree in Electrical
and Electronics
Engineering from ITU
University, 1973, 1975,
and 1986, respectively.
He is currently Assc.
Professor at Electrical &
Electronics Faculty of
ITU. His research
interests include
biomedical signal
Figure 6. The low-pass filter design outputs.
Figure 7. The filtering of an analog square wave signal.
A Design Of DSPIC Based Signal Monitoring And Processing System
Salih ARSLAN, Koray KÖSE, Mehmet ENGIN, Erkan Zeki ENGIN, Mehmet KORÜREK
processing, biomedical circuit design, artificial
circulation system, modeling and microprocessor

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