
Harmanlanmış öğrenme konusunda çember nedir: eski şey yeni tekrar

What is the hoopla about blended learning: something old is new again

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The recent focus on blended learning has led so many educationalists in corporate training and academia to believe that a new educational phenomenon has been discovered. In reality, the blending of face-to-face instruction with various types of non-classroom technology mediated delivery has been practiced within the academic and non academic environments for more than four decades. Who does really want to know the real story of blended learning? Blended learning sounds like a nice idea- mixing a traditional classroom environment with online components - but is it actually effective? However, with the explosion of blended course delivery in recent years- despite the lack of research in this area- educational institution and corporate training take this position for granted. This study explores capabilities of blended learning and its impact on the future of learning environments. Particular focus in this article is given to the role of affective domain in face to face learning, and how to design a blend.



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