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Abstract (2. Language): 
The aim of this study is to investigate students’ and teachers’ opinions about the effects of private courses upon their social and econmic lives. In line with the aim of the present study, the following questions were answered in the study: (1) what are the opinions of students about the effects of private courses on their lives? (2) what are the opinions of students about the cost of students on attending to private courses upon family budget? (3) what are the opinions of primary school teachers about their students’ attendance to private courses?. The study was designed as a survey study and it was a descriptive study. In the study, both quantitative and qualitative data collection instruments were used. One huındred and fifty high school students in Mudurnu and eight high school teachers in the fall semester of 2010 – 2011 academic year formed the study group of the study. For the first two questions a questionnaire and for the third question semi-structured inteview form were used. Some of the findings of the present study obtained are : Students think that attendance to private courses does not have negative effects upon their social lives, is not an advantage to who do very nicely financially, is not a burden to family budget. Meanwhile teachers stated that they do not prepare thier students to the exams as they have to follow the school curriculum and as the consequence of this students attend to private courses.



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