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Abstract (2. Language): 
Organizational commitment has become an issue of paramount concern as the organizations realize that their long-term survival depends on the commitment of their members. Yet, most schools seem to fail to pay adequate attention to this important issue given their relatively recent experience in the competitive battlefield as compared to the business sector. This study aims to investigate the level of organizational commitment of private school teachers in one of the Turkey’s largest K-12 school chains. In order to determine the level of teachers’ organizational commitment and to understand whether it differs with respect to some variables, a case study was carried out by the use of a survey method. Teachers working in the different schools of the selected school chain participated in the study. In the study, TCM (Three-Component Model) Employee Commitment Survey which was developed and validated by Meyer, Allen, and Smith (1993) was translated into Turkish by the researcher and employed as the data collection instrument. The results of the study are expected to give insights to private school administrators and academics regarding the commitment levels of teachers working in private schools.



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