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Abstract (2. Language): 
Learning is the changes at the behaviors of a learner through repetition and experiences. These changes can occur in various ways with the different peculiarities of the individuals. These individual differences can be classified as intelligence, skills, personal traits and learning styles. The purpose of this study is to determine the learning styles of prospective teachers and to analyze whether these styles differ according to type of the programs that the learners are studying, their class levels, their age and their gender. The study is a descriptive study which was carried out in the fall semester of 2012-2013 academic years. The study group is consisted of 487 prospective teachers who are studying in Primary School Mathematics Education (190), Primary School Science Education (140), Primary School Education (157), in Kocaeli University, Educational Faculty. ‘Kolb Learning Style Inventory’ was used as the data collection tool. During the analysis of the data obtained as a result of the inventory, %, frequency and chi square were used. As result of the analysis, it was understood that while there was not a significant difference between the program types, age and the learning styles, there was a significant difference between the class level and the learning style which was preferred by the learner.



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