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Abstract (2. Language): 
The aim of this study one of the highest consumption rate is belong to university youth and the Likert-type questionnaire was developed in order to measure university youth environmental attitude and behavior as Phase I. In order to develop questionnaire first of all litterateur was reviewed. With the help of specialist 2 dimensional 31 items questionnaire was prepared. Every item in the questionnaire has 5-point likert scale. To calculate the validity and reliability, questionnaire was applied to Suleyman Demirel University students. As volunteer, 531 students are participated to calculate the reliability and validity of questionnaire. To emphasize validity and reliability of the questionnaire confirmatory and explanatory factor analysis, inter class correlation, discrimination power of items was calculated. In order to determine the level of internal consistency reliability of the scale Cronbach's alpha for attitude is 0.803 and behavior is 0.761.



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