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Abstract (Original Language): 
In this study, we investigate of science and technology teachers' opinions about the theory of evolution and the evolution teaching. The aim of this study, we investigate of science and technology teachers' opinions about the theory of evolution and the evolution teaching. This study is a descriptive study. Open-ended questions were used to determine the views of pre-service teachers. Questions used in the statistical analysis of data for obtained student’s through. Solution to the problems encountered in practice as a method for the production of research so descriptive research approaches used in the survey method. This study was applied Department of Science Teaching at the Faculty of Education students in the last class. Department of ScienceTeaching 90 students participated the study in Bayburt University. The 90 students in the sample and all of the mare 46 female and 44 male. The findings of the study about students opinion for evolution that coming from a common ancestor and such as Darwinian theory. In addition students will not be denied the fact that the evolution of science but from the point of view of society reported a negative effect on the teaching of evolution



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