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Abstract (2. Language): 
The purposes of this study are to investigate the SWB levels of university students and to question if SWB and its components (positive affect, negative affect, satisfaction with life) differ significantly according to demographic variables. The sample of this study was composed of 443 undergraduate students from Fatih University. The data collection instruments are Demographic Questionnaire, Positive-Negative Affect Scale and Satisfaction with Life Scale. The data was analyzed via SPSS 17 and descriptive statistics, t-test and variance analysis was utilized. The results show that SWB did not differ significantly according to demographic variables, however satisfaction with life differs significantly according to gender, age groups and perceived socioeconomical situation; and positive affect differs significantly according to perceived socioeconomical situation. In addition, negative affect was found as negatively correlated both with positive affect (r=-0.080, p<0.05) and satisfaction with life (r=-0.319, p<0.01). Positive affect and satisfaction with life were positively correlated (r=-0.408, p<0.01) with each other.



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