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This study investigated university students’ satisfaction from the physical environment and services provided in a higher education institution to indicate the quality in higher education. The questionnaire included students’ demographic data and close-ended questions in a Likert type scale with adequate validity and reliability (Cronbach’s alpha = .99). The sample consisted of N = 200, where n = 130 (65%) were female and n = 70 (35%) were male undergraduate and graduate students studying at public, private profit and private nonprofit universities in Albania. The majority of students were second year undergraduate students n = 89 (44.5%) who were studying at private nonprofit universities n = 73 (36.5%). By using t test analysis, results revealed that there were gender differences where male students scored higher than female students (p < .05) on most of the students’ services provided by the university. Single factor ANOVA showed that students from different university groups differed significantly F(4, 195) = 6.15, p < .05 on students’ services. The work has been concluded with suggestions and future developments on this issue.



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