
Different applications of concept maps in Higher Education

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Purpose: The aim of this work is to show different applications of concept maps in higher education, concretely in qualifications of the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Design/methodology/approach: Different methodologies have been used depending on the application of concept maps: as evaluation tool, as knowledge organizing tool, and as meaningful learning tool. Findings: Students consider the concept maps useful principally to select key ideas, to achieve a comprehensive view of the lesson, and to bring up the subject. Moreover, concept maps promote the meaningful and active learning, help students to understand, follow-up, and learn subjects with a high load of contents. Research limitations/implications: The most important limitation is the use of the concept maps in subjects with a high number of students. Practical implications: The realization of concept maps allows the student to develop generic competences. Originality/value: The originality of this work is to show how a same tool can be used in different subjects of different qualifications



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